AI - BeakerX

Empowering developers with enhanced interactive capabilities for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab through BeakerX's collection of extensions, including JVM kernels and widgets.

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About BeakerX

BeakerX is a collection of extensions for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab, offering JVM kernels and interactive widgets. These features include JVM kernels with interactive plotting, autotranslation from Python to JavaScript and D3, and interactive tables.

BeakerX version 2.x builds upon the original architecture by providing independent modules for better customization. It is compatible with Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab versions 1.2.x and 2.x.

The project includes tutorial notebooks on GitHub and a cheatsheet (Cheatsheet.pdf). BeakerX is the successor to the Beaker Notebook, originating from

To install BeakerX and all kernels, use:

conda install -c beakerx beakerx_all

For a more selective installation, users can choose specific kernels by using commands like:

conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_groovy
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_java
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_scala
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_sql
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_clojure
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_kotlin

Additional packages, such as autotranslation and table display, can be installed using:

conda install -c beakerx beakerx_kernel_autotranslation
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_tabledisplay
conda install -c beakerx beakerx_widgets

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