AI - Logstash

Empowering users with open source data processing through Logstash's centralized infrastructure, welcoming all contributions, and providing robust resources for implementation and support.

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About Logstash

Logstash is a open source data processing pipeline created by Elastic. The project is built upon the principles of Community, Making it Work, and Technology Innovation. They believe that if a newbie encounters difficulties, it's a bug that needs addressing. Their software development mantra is "make it work, then make it right, then make it fast."

Logstash provides a centralized logging infrastructure that ingests data from various sources, transforms and enriches the data, and sends it to a 'stash' (a storage system or other 'sink') for indexing and analysis. They welcome all forms of contributions: ideas, patches, documentation, bug reports, complaints, and even something you drew up on a napkin. Programming skills are not a requirement for contributing.

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