AI - Speechify

Empowering access to digital content through advanced AI-powered text-to-speech technology, enabling inclusivity for all.

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About Speechify

Speechify is a globally recognized tech company, dedicated to making digital content more accessible through text-to-speech technology. They offer an innovative platform that converts written text into spoken words in over 30 different voices and languages. With a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, Speechify's mission is to empower individuals with visual impairments, learning disabilities, or anyone who prefers listening over reading, to fully engage with the wealth of online content.

Speechify develops and provides advanced AI-powered text-to-speech solutions for a wide range of applications. Their technology leverages machine learning algorithms to deliver natural-sounding speech that flows seamlessly and intuitively. The company's core offerings include browser extensions, desktop apps, and mobile applications, all designed to make it easy for users to access the text content they need.

Notable achievements for Speechify include partnerships with leading organizations in education, publishing, and accessibility industries. Their text-to-speech technology has been integrated into renowned platforms like Google Classroom, Microsoft Education, and numerous popular eBook stores. Additionally, Speechify was named a "Best Productivity App" by Apple App Store editors, reflecting the impact of their offerings in improving the daily lives of users worldwide.

Screenshot of Speechify Website

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