AI - XLNet
Pioneering innovation in artificial intelligence and natural language processing through groundbreaking transformer model research and development.
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About XLNet
XLNet is a leading company in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP). The organization specializes in the development, research, and application of large-scale transformer models. It is known for its significant contributions to the advancement of NLP technology through various innovative models such as GPTNeo, GPTNeoX, and GPTNeoX Japanese.
Some of XLNet's notable models include:
- GPT-J, GPT2, and GPTBigCode for Japanese language processing.
- Falcon, FastSpeech2Conformer, and FLAN for text-to-speech applications.
- Ernie, ErnieM, ESM, and Falcon for Chinese language understanding and generation tasks.
- MarianMT, MarkupLM, M2M100, MADLAD-400, and Marian for multilingual NLP models.
- Funnel, FNet, and Fuyu for various NLP applications like dialogue systems, question answering, and text summarization.
- RAG for multimodal representation learning and visual grounding tasks.
- Pegasus, PEGASUS-X, and Persimmon for large-scale language generation.
- PhoBERT, I-BERT, and Jukebox for cross-modal representation learning and music generation.
- QDQBert, Qwen2, and LLama for question answering tasks.
- Longformer, LongT5, LUKE, M2M100, and FLAN for long sequence processing and machine translation.
XLNet has made significant strides in the AI community through its contributions to the advancement of transformer models and its applications in various NLP tasks. The company continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with large-scale language models, aiming to create more advanced, intelligent, and versatile AI systems for a diverse range of applications.