AI - Casetext

Transforming legal research through AI-powered insights and connections, enabling lawyers to save time and provide superior representation.

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About Casetext

Casetext is a legal technology company that develops an intelligent research platform using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help lawyers quickly find relevant case law. Their system analyzes judicial opinions from various jurisdictions, providing insights and connections between cases, statutes, and regulations. By automating the process of legal research, Casetext enables legal professionals to save time and make more informed decisions. The company's mission is to transform the way lawyers access and understand case law, making it easier for them to provide high-quality representation to their clients. Through their AI-powered platform, Casetext has formed partnerships with leading law firms and organizations, demonstrating its commitment to improving legal research and productivity within the industry.

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A global AI hotspot, thrives on innovation, diverse talent, and a dynamic tech ecosystem, offering unparalleled opportunities for AI engineers.

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A vibrant AI hub, merges cutting-edge technology with rich cultural experiences, creating an inspiring environment for AI engineers.