AI - Snowflake Data Exchange

Empowering secure and efficient data sharing and collaboration among consumers and providers through Snowflake Data Exchange's leading platform.

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About Snowflake Data Exchange

Snowflake Data Exchange is a leading data sharing platform that empowers consumers and providers to manage, share, and collaborate on data. They offer various services related to data exchanges, alerts & notifications, security, data governance, organizations & accounts, business continuity & data recovery, performance optimization, and cost management.

As a data exchange provider, Snowflake enables users to perform general data sharing tasks such as managing reader accounts, configuring reader accounts, granting privileges to other roles, and sharing from Business Critical to non-Business Critical data. They provide an Admin and membership system that allows accessing a Data Exchange and becoming a data provider. Users can manage their listings, configure and use data exchanges, and monitor usage of their listings for monetization purposes.

For providers, Snowflake offers the ability to use Provider Studio to prepare data for a listing, modify published listings, define listing referral links, remove listings, and monitor usage statistics. They ensure legal requirements for both providers and consumers are met when using their marketplace.

As a consumer, users can explore listings, access and install them, and become a consumer of listings for various purposes. Snowflake's Data Sharing & Collaboration platform is designed to help businesses and organizations efficiently manage and share data in a secure environment while adhering to stringent security measures.

Screenshot of Snowflake Data Exchange Website

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